The equatorial mist of Lake Kivu, the perfect humidity and the rich volcanic soil emanating from the Virunga volcanoes create our unique Red Bourbon Arabica coffee beans.
Nyaruzina is a picturesque peninsula on Lake Kivu and accessible only by boat. Unique coffee in Rwanda is grown on this farm of 16ha and 1525m ASL. Since all the cherries come from this beautiful peninsula growing conditions can be controlled and always improved. For this reason, there is the possibility of selective picking and sorting to process only the best cherries.
This coffee was sourced from the mountain village of Cyiya in the Mahembe sector. Kivubelt has been working closely with a group of 100 families in Cyiya since 2015. The village is located at an altitude of 1900 to 2000 m.a.s.l. high up in the mountains. The farmers walk for hours to sell their coffee cherries at Kivubelt's washing station in Murondo. As is common in Rwanda, they grow coffee in Cyiya along with other crops such as beans, yams and cassava for their own consumption.
The magnificent Kamajumba Peninsula with its area of about 9 hectares is located on the shore of Lake Kivu in the Gihombo sector of Rwanda. The altitude of the peninsula ranges from 1550 to 1700 m.a.s.l. The coffee is picked by hand, wet processing, sun-dried on beds. The coffee is stored at Kivubelt's Coffee Washing Station (CWS) called Jarama. Three permanent employees and about 50 casual workers are employed in Kamajumba during the harvest season from March to June.
Jarama coffee comes from a farm of 18ha located between 1779 and 1900m ASL. Six permanent employees and about 200 salaried employees work at Jarama during harvest time. The coffee is picked by hand in the months of April and May, wet-processed, dried in the sun, and then stored in a well-ventilated warehouse in Jarama CWS.
The People's Farm coffee (PF) was sourced from some of the 400 families of farmers living near the Murundo CWS. The small coffee farms are located in the Mahembe sector and are situated at an altitude of 1700 to 1800 m.a.s.l. Kivubelt won the prestigious Cup of Excellence awards with the People's Farm coffee. In addition to coffee, the farmers also grow other crops such as beans, bananas, vegetables, and sweet potatoes for their own consumption.
Only the best of our hand-picked coffee cherries are used for our Naturals. Thereby, the Natural differs from the washed coffee in the processing procedure. It is considered the most traditional and oldest and is also called the dry process. . The heaviest hand-picked cherries are spread out in thin layers directly on so-called African beds. After 5-6 hours the cherries are covered for a 24h fermentation. This is followed by a drying period of 3-4 weeks with regular turning of the beans. This is how our delicious Natural is created.
Honey coffee also differs from washed coffee in the processing method. It is a modern hybrid method combining aspects of washed and unwashed processes. After selecting the best coffee cherries in the first step, they are depulped. Then they are dried directly on so-called African beds. During this process, a part of the fruit remains on the bean and is not washed off. After 5 – 6 hours on the beds, the cherries are covered for a 24h fermentation. After that they are dried for 2 – 3 weeks. This is how our delicious honey is produced.